Re: Denial of Service Attacks INFO

Jonny Llama (
Wed, 22 May 1996 20:36:56 -0400

> > UDP Bomb - By sending a UDP packet with incorrect information in the
> > header, some Sun-OS 4.1.3 Unix boxes will panic and then reboot.
> Anyone willing to say _what_ this magic incorrect information is?  I'd
> much rather not have to take the time to grab the patch, uncompile both
> it and the file(s) it replaces, and try to figure it out from there.

it gets a packet with ip_options of an invalid size, it freaks out.  I
guess I should quit doing all this important stuff and go read that file.


>                                         der Mouse
o Herr Llama <> t "Then the chair runs right t
o  t up to my bed and jumps in. t
o \|/ ____ \|/                   t And  I  make love  to  the t
o  @~/ ,. \~@                    t wooden chair. It was uncom t
o /_( \__/ )_\                   t fortable. It hurt."        t
o    \__U_/                      t      -- Yevgeny Zamyatin   t